It’s no secret that the past year has been tough for event creators. With venues closed, restrictions changing all the time, and new safety rules to navigate, staying motivated can be a challenge. It’s normal to feel your energy and enthusiasm wane, but losing your spark doesn’t mean losing everything you’ve worked for.

These tips can help you navigate tough times, boost your motivation, and reaffirm your commitment to your work.

1. Remember your mission

Remember why you started. What were your goals? What have you accomplished so far? Who would be disappointed if you gave up?

If you’re not sure, it might help to sit down and set some goals. Write down your ambitions, successes, and what motivates you. This will remind you daily what you’re working towards. By doing this, you can tackle small tasks with the bigger picture in mind and stay motivated.

2. Visualise a successful outcome

Visualization is a technique used by professional athletes, actors, and musicians. By imagining themselves succeeding before they perform, they increase their chances of actually achieving success.

Staying Motivated in Tough Times

You can use this technique in any area of life. Whatever you want to achieve, picture it happening in your mind. The more detailed the visualization, the better—imagine the conversations, the words you speak, even the clothes you’re wearing and the weather.

When you think about a big goal, it’s easy to focus on the obstacles, especially during tough times. This is actually a form of negative visualization and can hold you back. To succeed, you need to think positively and see yourself achieving your goals.

3. Take a break and treat yourself

You know the saying, “A change is as good as a rest.” But sometimes, a rest can be just as good as a change. Taking a break can help you recharge and find your motivation again.

If you can, go on a holiday, even if it’s just a “staycation.” Enjoy some downtime on the couch, try a new activity, or go for long walks in nature. A week away from your routine can do wonders for your energy and creativity.

If you can’t take a week off, make the most of your weekends. Find some peace and relaxation by putting your phone on “do not disturb” and focusing on self-care. Whether it’s having an at-home spa day or enjoying your hobbies, a little break can help you feel refreshed.

4. Break down big and scary challenges

Big challenges can seem less daunting if you break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. By setting and achieving these smaller goals, you’ll get the satisfaction of hitting your targets regularly.

This sense of accomplishment is a great motivator. If you keep reaching these small goals, you’ll soon find yourself halfway to achieving the big one.

5. Celebrate each small victory

When you’re aiming for a big goal, it’s easy to overlook the small wins along the way. But just because you’re focused on getting 20 new attendees for your online workshop doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate each one you sign up.

Rewarding yourself for hitting milestones is a great way to stay motivated. You don’t need to throw a big party every time, but a small treat like a bar of chocolate can make a big difference.

6. Share your challenges and ask for support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Maybe you have a former boss or business mentor who has faced similar challenges and can offer some valuable advice.

Staying Motivated in Tough Times

You can also tap into the power of teamwork by talking about your challenges with your team. Even if you’re in charge, you don’t have to handle everything on your own. Reach out to your community too. Even if you’re not currently running events, past attendees might be able to provide helpful feedback.

7. Get inspired with your favourite movies, books, and songs

Earlier, we talked about how important it is to take a break and refocus. Getting lost in a good movie or book is a great way to do that. Pick something with an inspirational message; a feel-good ending can lift your spirits and make you feel ready to tackle your own challenges.

For a quick boost, just put on your favorite song and sing along. Singing along to uplifting lyrics can really help when you’re having a tough time.

8. Promise yourself a big reward once you reach your final goal

Big companies know that incentives can be powerful. They often reward their top executives with unique experiences as a way to motivate them. This trick works for self-motivation as well.

Think about what would motivate you to keep going. Plan your ideal reward and put a reminder where you can see it, like on your desk. Visualize yourself enjoying that reward, and you’ll be more likely to make it happen.

Also Read: Fitness Trainer Interview: Expert Tips

9. Get physical with some exercise

When you’re feeling unmotivated, put on your trainers and go for a jog or join a fitness event. Getting active can boost your endorphins and lift your mood.

Staying Motivated in Tough Times
Staying Motivated in Tough Times

Research shows that regular exercise helps reduce stress and increase self-esteem. Over time, it also builds your endurance, giving you more energy to think clearly and come up with fresh, exciting ideas.

10. Stick to a routine to beat procrastination

Even if you’re not a fan of strict schedules, creating a routine can help you feel more motivated and in control. Setting small deadlines throughout the day can also make it easier to get things done.

Sit down and make a schedule that works for you. If you’re not an early riser, don’t force yourself to wake up at 7 a.m. Instead, set yourself up for success with a routine you can stick to. Don’t forget to include breaks and add something to look forward to in the evening as a reward for finishing your tasks.

If procrastination is a problem, try tackling the tasks you dislike most first thing in the morning. This is known as “eating the frog,” based on a Mark Twain quote: “If you have to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if you have to eat two frogs, eat the biggest one first.” Taking care of the tough stuff early will lighten your load and help you enjoy the rest of your day.

Getting through tough times all year round

No matter what challenges come your way, remember that each new day is a fresh chance to get things right. Tough times are part of life, whether we’re dealing with a pandemic or not. There will be times when organizing events feels tough, but use these motivation tips to help you bounce back. Focus on your goals every day, celebrate the small wins, and those big achievements will follow.

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