Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

Muscles are super important for keeping us healthy—they help us move, stay strong, and even avoid injuries. If you want to grow and build muscle (a process called muscle hypertrophy), it’s essential to have a good diet and follow an exercise routine that includes resistance training. On top of that, certain supplements can give you a boost, whether you’re aiming to compete in bodybuilding or just want to feel stronger and more active in your daily life.

With so many supplements out there, it can be hard to figure out which ones are actually helpful for building muscle. This guide covers the best supplements for muscle growth, along with expert tips on how to gain and maintain muscle the right way.

Why Nutrition Matters for Muscle Growth

Good nutrition is key to building and keeping healthy muscles. The right foods not only give you energy for your workouts, but they also help your body grow and repair muscle tissue.

Best Supplements for Muscle Growth
Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

“Your muscles can only grow if they get the right building blocks,” says Dr. Nicholas Anastasio, a physical medicine and rehab expert at Mercy in Baltimore. “A healthy diet with a variety of nutrients and enough calories can support muscle growth. Certain supplements can also help make sure your body gets the fuel it needs,” he adds.

5 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth, According to Experts

Best Supplements for Muscle Growth
Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

Everyone’s nutritional needs are different, but there are a few supplements that research shows can help with muscle growth and performance. If your goal is to build muscle, here are five expert-recommended supplements worth considering:

1. Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is one of the most popular and effective supplements for building muscle. It’s a complete protein, meaning it has all nine essential amino acids your body needs. Many people find it easy to digest, making it a great option for muscle growth, says Dr. Nicholas Anastasio.

Studies show that whey protein helps stimulate muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown, leading to an increase in muscle mass if you consume enough. Dr. Anastasio recommends 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, or up to 0.45 grams if you’re strength training regularly. Adding whey protein to your shakes or smoothies can help you hit your daily protein goal.

2. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is a popular supplement that can improve muscle performance and strength, especially for high-intensity, short-duration exercises. While your body makes small amounts of creatine, it’s usually not enough, which is why supplements are common, explains Dr. Anastasio.

Creatine usually comes as a powder that you can mix into drinks like coffee or juice. Most people start with a “loading phase,” where they take more creatine for a few days to quickly saturate their muscles, followed by a smaller “maintenance” dose. Experts suggest taking 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight daily during the loading phase and 0.03 grams per kilogram daily for maintenance.

3. Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB)

HMB is great for muscle growth, especially if you’re new to working out or are an older adult. It’s a byproduct of leucine, an amino acid found in foods like eggs, oats, and seeds, but HMB supplements provide a more effective way to get the right amount.

Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan says most diets only provide about 0.5 to 1 gram of HMB daily, but the best dose is around 3 grams. HMB supplements, available as capsules or powder, can help boost muscle growth and strength when paired with exercise.

4. Essential Amino Acids (EAAs)

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which your body breaks down to repair and grow muscle. Of the 22 amino acids, nine are essential because your body can’t produce them on its own—you need to get them from food or supplements.

Dr. Anastasio recommends getting EAAs from sources like chicken, beef, dairy, and eggs, or through supplements. The International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests 6 to 12 grams of EAAs before or after strength training to promote muscle growth, with 10 to 12 grams being most effective.

5. Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps improve workout performance by increasing the amount of carnosine in your muscles. Carnosine helps muscles contract and delays fatigue, allowing you to push harder during workouts.

Research shows that beta-alanine can boost power during heavy lifts and increase lean muscle mass. Even though your body produces beta-alanine naturally, taking 4 to 6 grams a day can improve your training. It’s available in tablet or powder form.

These supplements, combined with a solid workout routine and diet, can help you build and maintain muscle more effectively.

Also Read: Meal Timing for Muscle Gains

Top Tips for Successful Muscle Gain

If you’re looking to build muscle and strength, Dr. Smith-Ryan says the best results come from combining a balanced diet of whole foods with enough protein, regular resistance training, and the right supplements.

Best Supplements for Muscle Growth
Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

She also offers a few extra tips to help maximize muscle growth and performance:

  • Stay consistent. To gain muscle, you need to be consistent with your actions—whether that’s your workouts, diet, or supplements.
  • Time your meals. Eating protein evenly throughout the day, especially before and after exercise, can help with muscle growth.
  • Be patient. Building muscle takes time, and you might not see results right away. Stick with your plan and give your body time to adapt.
  • Listen to your body. Pushing yourself is important, but so is rest. Make sure you’re balancing hard work with enough recovery.
  • Prioritize sleep. If you’re doing everything right but still not seeing gains, consider your sleep. Aim for 8 to 10 hours each night to help with muscle recovery and growth.

With the right combination of diet, exercise, and recovery, plus the right supplements, Dr. Smith-Ryan says you’ll start to see real results. Just remember to talk to your doctor before adding new supplements to your routine to make sure they’re safe for you.

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